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Forsmarts — Logic games and puzzles

Issue 8 PDF

Season 1. June 30,2005

18. L-oop (6)

Using only L-shaped fi gures (1x2) and lines already placed in grid build the single closed loop, not crossing or touching itself. Figures cannot overlap each other or lines already placed. Also they cannot overlap the dots.


Answer key: write down the quantity of figures, connecting lines in order, beginning from the right edge of the longest line. For the example the answer would be: 1312.


19. Double pentamino (7)

Place the full set of pentaminoes in white cells of the grid, so that they do not touch each other, not even diagonally. You can rotate and refl ect them as needed. Then place another full set of pentaminoes in empty space, following the same rules.


Answer key: write down the letters corresponding to pentaminoes, placed on each of both big diagonals, in alphabetical order. For the example the answer would be: LTZZ, LT.


20. Optimal domino (8 and less)

Place in grey cells full set of dominoes. Some numbers will be formed in five rows. Numbers can start with zeroes and be equal to zero. Their sums will give five results. Minimize the absolute difference between maximal and minimal of these results.


Answer key: first write down the difference, and then write all five expressions, row by row, from top to bottom. For the example the answer would be: 8: 331+0, 112+220, 123+201, 330+0. Best answer brings 8 points; each next answer will bring one point less.
