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Forsmarts — Logic games and puzzles

Issue 22 PDF

Season 8. April 20,2006

3. Triple loop (5+6)

Draw in each grid three closed loops which between them visit every white square exactly once. Lines can only go horizontally or vertically, connecting the middle points of cells. Starting in the cell with a number, all loops must have the same sequence of turns. The lines between the turns can be of any size.


Answer key: for each grid write down the directions of all turns for the loop numbered “1”, starting at that cell and travelling clockwise. For the example the answer would be: URDRDLDRDLU.


4. Chess-chameleon Sudoku (up to 9)

Choose a sequence of fi ve chess pieces, using Knight(N), Bishop(B), Rook(R), Queen(Q) and King(K) once each, then choose a starting square on the chess board. Mark this square with a “1” and place the fi rst chess piece of your sequence. Then make a valid move using this piece, and place a “2” in the square you land on. The piece then becomes the second piece in your sequence, repeat the process, marking the square you land on with a “3”, and so on. Continue marking “1” after “8”, and returning to the fi rst piece of the sequence after every fi fth move. You can make moves only to the empty squares, although you can jump over the marked ones. Fill as many cells as possible. After the last move, a valid sudoku puzzle with a unique solution (or a completely solved sudoku) must be displayed in the grid.


Answer key: fi rst write down the number of visited cells, then your sequence, and fi nally list all squares visited in order. For the example the answer would be: 10; QNKRB; A1,B1,C3,B2,B3,C2,A2,C1,D2,D4. Check your answers carefully before sending. Best answer brings 9 points; each next best answer will bring one point less.
