Divide the grid into some strips, 1-cell wide with length 2, 3 or 4 cells. No two stripes can be the same, even if rotated. One cut is already made.
Answer key: write down the coordinates of middle cells of all length 3 strips, from top to bottom. For the example the answer would be: D2, B3.
Fill the grid with numbers from 1 to 3 (representing the heights of buildings) and letters A, B, C, so that each row and column contains exactly one instance of all these symbols. Digits outside the grid show the number of buildings visible from their positions (shorter buildings are hidden behind the taller ones). Letter outside the grid appear fi rst in corresponding directions.
Answer key: write down the contents of the main diagonal going from bottom left corner to top right corner. For the example the answer would be: 2AC2AC.
Use the minimal number of symbols “X” and “O” to create a starting position in the 8x8 grid, so that when completing the grid with more of these symbols, there is a unique solution which has no occurences of four or more of the same symbol connected in any direction.
Answer key: fi rst write down the number of used symbols; and then the coordinates of all symbols, fi rst of one kind, and then of the other. For the example the answer would be: 11; D2, A4; B1, C1, D1, B3, D3, C4, B5, C5, D5. Best answer brings 8 points; each next answer will bring one point less.
Amel Skopljak's solution: