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Forsmarts — Logic games and puzzles

Issue 15 PDF

Season 2. November 18,2005

11. Apples and arrows (6+6)

Place in grids apples and arrows, so that each row and column contains exactly one appearance of it. Arrows can point in one of eight directions. Each arrow must point to exactly one apple, each apple must by pointed by exactly one arrow. Digits outside the grid show distance (in cells) from the arrows placed in corresponding row or column to the apple pointed by this arrow. Arrows outside the grid show the direction of arrow placed in corresponding row or column. Cells occupied by apples and arrows cannot touch each other, not even diagonally.
Errata: in table with numbers 5,3,3,8 one of the arrows can point to two apples.


Answer key: write down directions of all arrows, beginning from the one in top row and working downwards. For the example the answer would be: S, SE, SE, W, W, S, S, N, N.


12. Pentagroups (8)

Divide the full set of pentaminoes into four groups, each containing 3 elements, so that elements of each group could be placed only in corresponding grid. Pentaminoes can be rotated and/or reflected.

Answer key: write down the content of groups in order of numbers of their grids. Answer must look like: ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL.
